
We’ve all heard about the Mind-body connection, but what is it really? Does the mind truly have the ability to change our body, affect our health, our behaviors and habits, even when we’re not consciously aware? Yes. 

Your incredible subconscious mind records your habits, long-term memories, and the words and events you’ve allowed yourself to believe as truth -usually spoken by people you trust. We call it your personal belief system. And as impactful as these words can be from parents and people you trust, the most limiting or empowering words that shape your belief system are the things you say to yourself. Good or bad, they’re stored in your subconscious mind, and act as a blueprint against everything you want in your life. If your blueprint (belief system) doesn’t align with what you consciously say you want, the blueprint wins, and can leave you feeling frustrated, exhausted, and wondering why you ‘just can’t win’. 

Removing those blocks in the blueprint through Hypnotherapy is where many of my clients have regained their peace and sense of freedom to move forward. We can also add in new beliefs and redraw the blueprint to align with exactly what you want for your life. 

Whether it’s overcoming substance abuse, fear of being hurt, fears around exams, insecurity, or phobias, relationship recovery, or aligning with your body in health, you’re about to discover that hypnotherapy is a safe, powerful, drug-free, scientifically proven, non-invasive way to remove restrictive thinking, bad habits, fear, and self-doubt, while clearing the path to freedom, and a new path forward. 

Clinical Behavioral Therapy

Clinical Behavioral Therapy is the new kid in town. A hybrid therapy that combines the more traditional deeply supportive behavioral therapy, with a forward-facing attitude aimed at designing behavioral change for your future.  

We’ll gently identify your challenges while you set the pace. Often, forgiveness and reclaiming self-worth can be vital first-steps. 

Clinical Behavioral Therapy focuses on the correlation but not the cause of past experiences. I’ll never suggest that you relive past experiences, especially trauma, but rather we’ll focus on the behaviors that came as a ripple from the experience, working to repair and redesign new behaviors going forward. 

Most of my clients say they prefer this therapeutic method as it honors and draws from their past without reliving it, while keeping them facing forward, focusing on the only thing we can change in this life. Ourselves. 

Remember, your mind, like every miraculous part of us, is incredibly resilient. If it’s time to move forward, I’m here to walk with you.

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